Backtrack is Ubuntu based operating system. Backtrack is the best operating system for the security professionals and hackers. There are lots of inbuilt tools in the backtrack 5 like sqlmap , metasploit , Information gathering, maintaining access , backdooring etc.
How can I download Backtrack ?
well you can download the Backtrack 5 at here.
Select the version of the OS I recommend Backtrack 5 R2 (because its latest version).
How to install the backtrack ?
You can install it using making a flash drive or burning the DVD. I recommend make a flash drive and install it. (create flash drive of backtrack)What to do after installing ?
The default id and password of this operating system is
root and toor so after installing backtrack restart your computer and add this id and password.
Now if you want to use the GUI then simply type “Startx” to enter in the GUI of backtrack 5.
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