ခု iPhone ကိုင္ေနတဲ့ကိုႀကီးမႀကီးအတြက္ သတင္းေကာင္းျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ Android မွာလည္း application lock ရွိသလို ခုလည္း iPhone မွာရွိပါၿပီ။ ကိုယ္ဖြက္ခ်င္တာလည္းဖြက္လို႕ရသလို ကိုယ္မၾကည့္ေစခ်င္တာလည္း Password အုပ္ထားလိုက္ေပါ့။ Apple Store မွာ Free ေပးထားပါတယ္။ ပိုသိခ်င္ရင္ေတာ့ http://adf.ly/Wb7XY မွာဖတ္ၾကည့္ပါ။ ေဒါင္းလုတ္ဆြဲလုိ႕လြယ္ေအာင္တမင္ ရွဲလိုက္တာပါ။ တျခားဆုိဒ္မွာ ဒါမ်ိဳးမေတြ႕ေသးပါဘူး။ ေအာက္ပါအတုိင္းေဒါင္းလုတ္ဆြဲလိုက္ပါ။ အဆင္ေျပပါေစ။


Tired of people snooping around in your phone , looking at all your personal pictures and videos. Well , not anymore. With Hide it Pro you can securely hide your pictures and videos , protected behind a inbuilt lock screen

Hide it pro features :
Secure hiding of Pictures and Videos behind an impenetrable lock screen.

+ Create Multiple photo/video albums and share unlimited photos/videos inside them

+ Customize album by changing its name or thumbnail

+ Add photos/videos to the album by Phone Gallery , from iTunes or directly from the Camera

+ View photos and videos in inbuilt picture viewer and video viewer

+ Email photos/videos to others from inside the app

+ Move photos/videos to other albums
+ Unhide photos/videos back to your phone gallery

+ View photos in Slideshow with customizable duration and slideshow transition

+ Export all your files from inside the app in one tap with USB export

+ Enable disguise screen to disguise the app as if it is crashed when anyone tries to access it

+ Automatic locking when you exit the app.

+ Escape Unlock code to make the app look empty (in case someone finds out)

And many more.

So what are you waiting for , try it out now.

P.S if you are wondering what's up with the weird icon ? well we don't wanna look too obvious now , do we ?

Download => Link 1 / Link 2 / Link 3


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